Welcome to All India Postal Employees Union, Group 'C', Cuttack North Division, Orissa Circle

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Grand success in token strike dated 12.12.2012

Dear Comrades,
                          Thanks for your support in campaigning and observing one day strike dated 12.12.2012. In our Division the total Kendrapara HO establishment stopped functioning and in case of Jajpur good number of offices were also observed the strike. In whole Indian about 80 % central govt employees went on strike. Perhaps this figure and our devoted strike will give us success.

           Our President and Divnl Secy with Sri Babuli Barik and other Division Office staffs at Division office
Yours faithfully

S P Das
Divnl Secy
Cuttack North Division

Monday, December 10, 2012